
Username Generator

Generate striking and memorable usernames based on your name using our Username Generator tool.

How it works

Coming up with a good username can be tricky. Most people want to incorporate their real name into their username, but this can be difficult to do with a very common name. Thankfully, our username generator can handle this task for you with minimal effort!

The way this works is you give our generator your name (or any word you like, really), and it gives you back a list of thousands of potential usernames that incorporate your name. Surely, out of all those usernames, there will be at least one that works for you.

This service is provided free of charge, and you don’t need to download anything. Feel free to use it as much as you like!

Username Generator instructions

Generating thousands of usernames is simple. First, enter your name (or any keyword) into the text box. You can only use numbers and letters here — no spaces or punctuation. Also, there is a limit of 20 characters.

With your name entered, hit the GENERATE button. Within one second, you’ll see a big list of generated usernames that incorporate your own name. Want to see some more? You can hit the GENERATE MORE button as many times as you wish, and our server will give you thousands more usernames.

As you go through the list, you should organize your favorites. Hit the STAR button next to usernames that strike your fancy. This will save them to a list. You can see this list at any time by hitting the SAVED IDEAS button. Don’t worry: hitting the GENERATE MORE button or even doing brand new searches will not erase your list.

If you want to copy an individual username, just hit the icon that looks like two rectangles stacked on top of each other. Now you can paste that username wherever!

When you feel like your list is complete, hit the SAVED IDEAS button and then the DOWNLOAD button to get a text file with all your favorite usernames. Conversely, you can hit the DELETE ALL button to clear your list and start again.